Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Kashmir: The best ever song anywhere, anytime. Yet the music (melody) is simple and the lyrics not all that important (Plant's voice, in my opinion, is what it's about - not what the words mean but how they sound).

What the heck is it about that song that makes it better than Staircase to Heaven (which shares the mystery, but doesn't tap into the magic as strongly)?

Kashmir on YouTube (from Led Zeppelin's album, Physical Graffiti) Almost 10.5 million views now.

Moroccan influence: In 1994 Kashmir was recorded for No Quarter: Jimmy Page & Robert Plant Unledded  and was performed with a Moroccan ensemble. Robert Plant said of Jimmy Page and No Quarter, "His riffs were spectacular. To take it as far as we did... it's one of the most ambitious and mind altering experiences."

People have described Kashmir as "spiritual". Plant says "mind altering". I would agree - this is incredibly uplifting music - but what makes it that way?  And do you find, as I do, that when Kashmir is performed by others it doesn't carry that extra something, that magic?

Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm curious about music - why it works, why it generates the responses it does.  I'm not educated in music theory, but I want to know more about music than just that I like it or that it seems powerful.  I want to know why.  I'm hoping you do, too.

There's lots of pages devoted to Jimmy Page as guitarist, solo, with Led Zeppelin and others.  There's discussion of the lyrics of the songs, and there's lots about Mr. Page's guitars and techniques too.  There's not so much out there about the music itself, though.

I'm curious about the music.  About why it is so magical, how someone with no classical music education could compose the way Mr. Page does, about what works, what doesn't.  About the influences - both on Mr. Page and that of his music on others.

With the help of thinking people everywhere who admire Jimmy Page and his work, this blog is dedicated to serious (and maybe not-so-serious) analysis of his awesome music.

Be advised that it is this blogmaster's opinion that Jimmy Page is truly The Rock God; nevertheless we understand that there are other musicians and music of value.  Thus, all music can be discussed with reference to Mr. Page's work as long as it is done in a respectful manner, and with insight that will allow us all to learn.

PS - we will NOT beg Jimmy Page to reunite Led Zeppelin on this blog, OK?