
Thursday, December 21, 2023

On this day 21 December

 Lucifer is the bringer of light to humankind, for which he has been vilified since day one.

December On This Day Winter Solstice
AUDIO Lucifer Rising

  • 1971 Led Zeppelin - Salisbury, England at Salisbury City Hall
  • 1993 Jimmy Page, Coverdale Page Tour - Osaka, Japan at Osaka Castle Hall
  • 2012 Page and Plant interview on Charlie Rose CBS This Morning Show

Winter solstice 2023

A henge is a type of earthwork of the Neolithic period, generally consisting of a roughly circular bank with an internal ditch surrounding a central flat area that may or may not contain ritual structures of various kinds. About 8 miles north of Salisbury, England, where Led  Zeppelin played on this day in 1971, Stonehenge is aligned to the winter solstice. Although it is one of the most well-known henges, Stonehenge in fact atypical in that the ditch is outside the main earthworks.

Just like Jimmy Page:  He's a guitarist but atypical. Outside the norm. But you knew that.

The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year when the planet's polar cap is pointed farthest from the sun (December in the northern hemisphere, June in the southern). Festivals, religious ceremonies and rituals mark and celebrate the next morning's "rebirth" of the sun, or of deities, or simply of the hope for survival till warm weather arrives again.

In 2023, the exact winter solstice is Friday, 22 December 2023 at 03:27 UTC (21 December EST at 10:27 EST in the US). At Stonehenge that is the wee hours of the morning on the 22nd, but the celebration begins when the sun rises after the long, chilly night and lights the standing stones of the henge. Pass the time by listening to appropriate music

Remember, it wasn't Lucifer who kept humans in the dark, it has always been Lucifer's detractors who shrink from the light.

Welcome to the winter solstice!

2012 21 December Jones, Plant, Page on CBS Charlie Rose Morning Show

Stonehenge solstice ( photo)

♪  Coverdale/Page (Osaka Japan at Osaka Castle Hall, 21 December 1993)
♫ Page/Plant/Jones interview on CBS TV 2012

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