
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Beginnings Mean Endings

"The world shifts, when you suddenly realize you have power. Your responsibilities shift. You might not like it, but you have to assess your life with a wholly different set of measurements."
  ~ Sharon Shinn, Royal Airs
Mage Music 77

Mage Music 77

The hardest thing for many would-be Mages is the problem of letting go of the past. It's like trying to fill a glass with wine when it's already full of water. You need to get rid of the old thing in order for there to be a place in reality for the new thing to manifest.

Letting go turns out to be a hard thing to do. The past is what we know. It is what we compare everything to and it is what we use to assess our expectations and hopes for the future.

The past is also the worst measurement possible for Magick.

Power shift

Imagine what it would be like if a master musician - say someone like Jimmy Page - only repeated the music of the past and never pushed the musical envelope of innovation. Imagine if we only judged his music by the measurements of the past. We'd still be listening to Lawrence Welk. Only kidding of course - because we'd still be listening to the sounds that were the precursors to music made by our most ancient ancestors.  There would be no place for Jimmy Page or any musician who dared seize the power that shifts the world of music.

When you've got the power to create a change in reality, you've got to let go of where you were and move on to the new state of being. You must boldly go where you have never gone before. You must shed the past and move on to the future - the future you choose for yourself.

You have to become a different person, with a different way of looking at life and a different set of measurements for assessing your life.  The power shifts from who you were to who you are - that is, if you don't sabotage your own Magick by holding on desperately to the past.

Different measurements

It can be made no clearer than this:  You cannot change if you refuse to change.  This means letting go of the things that do not work in your life, that do not support who you want to be.  This means learning what the measurements of the desired reality are and assessing your life against the new paradigms rather than those of the past.

Transformation is your responsibility if you would do Magick, because Magick won't do it for you.

♫   Begin your new year by truly ending the old.  Best wishes to you for 2014  ♫ 


  1. very good lif. thanks and happy new year with working wells.


    1. Yes, working wells and all - the best to you in 2014!

  2. That's right. Past is the key of the future; present doesn't exist, if not just second by second. Past is the energy to make something in the future, the force to make happen thing as in our wilt. And all the greatest things and magicks are an evolution from the past, a blend of the old elements in something new.

    1. Past explains the now. It doesn't control the now, because if it did Magick wouldn't be possible.

  3. And because of it, Magick is something that happens only in the present in every drop of the universe waterfall. Maybe Magick has been operating before the beginning, to make happen the beginning, but how's possibile if before of it there was nothing?

    Who's Heraclitus in comparison to us? :D

    1. I'd have to say Magick is part of the Infinite Now, so it always was and always will be as long as there are beings who can choose to engage desire, will and ritual. Heraclitus said it first, but we carry on!
