
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Evolution is an ascent toward consciousness
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (May 1, 1881- April 10,1955)

Mage Music 47

The anniversary of the death of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is coming up in a few days. One of the world's greatest thinkers and philosophers, few people aside from theologians and students of religion have heard of him, although his work has had a vast influence on science and the arts.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest. The Catholic church denounced almost all his work during his lifetime and long afterwards, declaring it offensive to doctrine.  This included the theologian's teaching that original sin was not something brought about by an Adam and Eve, but that rather was part of the state of all finite matter from the beginning of time, well before any Adam and Eve showed up on this planet.

Teilhard de Chardin wrote that evolution is directional, with all matter constantly increasing in complexity as it leads to higher forms of consciousness, with human consciousness evolving in complexity as well. He postulated that a sphere of thinking ("noosphere") would develop when humans have evolved to global human consciousness and self-awareness, this being part of the evolution towards an Omega Point or the sphere of God.

Even though Teilhard de Chardin was forbidden by the church to publish his writings, documents were secretly passed around and discussed until after his death, when his incredible (but challenging to read) book The Phenomenon of Man was published.

Teilhard de Chardin has been described as a truth-sayer and even a prophet. I would say, bringer of light.

The Power of Magick

What does a Jesuit priest and theologian have to do with Magick? Teilhard de Chardin wrote that human spiritual development is founded on the same universal laws as material development. He described matter as evolving towards consciousness, and consciousness evolving towards a god-state. He understood that the all-that-is is one continuum, that the difference between the infinite and finite is a matter of degree of contrast rather than an exclusionary opposition.

In other words, as above, so below - a basic tenet of Magick.

Magick is not a religion, and it is not in conflict with religion because they both are about connecting with the energy that forms all of reality - the Universe, God, Great Spirit, Source or whatever you choose to name it. The stuff reality is made of is the energy that Magick uses to change a Mage's reality. It is what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin believed all the finite universe was naturally evolving towards.

Let the Magick - or anything that works for you - connect with that energy. Use any tool that feels right help to evolve your own consciousness.  Let any ritual that speaks to your heart take you there.


  1. Very interesting, really like the last paragraph as it is inclusive not righteous.
    I have been involved with many spiritualities and learn an important lesson from them all but never submit to the dogma of human organizations per se.
    Jesuit religious followers are renowned as learned scholars and compssionate humanitarians. Pope Francis is a promising Jesuit world leader.
    I have experienced profound spiritual connections during a catholic Mass, also whilst practising Shivasana during Yoga and out surfing or bushwalkong even walking through city streets, especially during my work as a nursing sister
    We see what we are in consciousness of and yes you are right this is why an open mind is so important
    Kimberley Christie

    1. Those with the most power are not limited to one way of doing things. After all, if we go with Teilhard de Chardin's teachings, then we humans are evolving towards the infinite, and by definition the infinite is not limited. So to learn and to grow, individually and collectively, we need to embrace all paths to the top of the mountain. Of course, it's tricky to walk them all at the same time!

  2. That's a connection that hadn't occurred to me - and you're right, magick might one day become reality and vice-versa. It's interesting that Teilhard's lifespan nearly overlapped with Aleister Crowley's. I doubt they ever met, but that would have been quite a conversation to listen in on!

    1. Well, you know Clarke's third law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Seems to me that would include sufficiently advanced thinking, too.

      It also seems to me that just about any advanced thinker's conversation would be interesting to listen in on, if only the participants could suspend judgment for the nonce. All our minds need stretching - it's not only good exercise, but you never know when an idea will catch fire in your soul and take you away.
